We continually pursue environmental wholeness and justice for all of God’s creation. We believe the earth belongs to God and that caring for and healing the earth are integral to the Christian faith.
Inspired by the Creation Care Ministries of the Pacific Northwest UMC Conference and organized in 2012, the mission of the Green Team is to promote reverence for creation and conservation for energy and resource. To get involved, use the contact us form here on the website.

Climate Justice Ministry Award
In 2013, we were the recipient of the Climate Justice Ministry Award from the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church. This award is a testament to our commitment to environmental stewardship. Click here to view the award.

P Patch
A parcel of our property, the southeast corner bordering First Ave. NE is leased by the city of Seattle for the Haller Lake “P” Patch. This is our outreach to the community for those who enjoy raising food and flowers. Some of the produce grown is donated to the local food bank. Our Easter sunrise service is held in the “P” Patch. You can learn more here.
“This is the Greenest Church in Seattle that I have ever been in!”
-Seattle Public Utilities Inspector at the conclusion of a surprise inspection in June 2013.