Music at Haller Lake United Methodist Church
Music Ministry at Haller Lake United Methodist Church strives to involve all church members in making music as an act of praise to God.
There are opportunities to sing in the Chancel Choir, to provide special music for worship either singing or playing an instrument, to play an instrument in our wind and brass ensemble, or to lead congregational singing.

Looking for a place to sing? Our choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7pm. As we have adapted to the pandemic, our music team has upped their tech game and kept our small but mighty choir making wonderful music for our worship services. We invite you to participate in our choir even if you haven’t worshipped with us before. The pandemic has limited so many opportunities for social connections and especially opportunities to make music collaboratively. If you are interested in our choir, e-mail our Minister of Music, Dr. Lisa Lewis.
Listen to our choir:
Special Music (solo, duet, group)
Those providing special music coordinate dates with the Minister of Music and sing or play at our Sunday service.
Instrumental Music
The Brass and Wind Ensemble plays for special occasions such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, as well as at season concerts. Practices are arranged prior to a performance. Contact the Minister of Music if you play an instrument and would like to participate in this ensemble.