Come join in FUN and FELLOWSHIP as we strive to be God’s hands in our world.
The Haller Lake United Women in Faith is a community of women who are dedicated and who work diligently to expand concepts of mission through participation in the Global Ministries of the Church.
The total program of the UWF and the women’s division is mission. This includes individual growth, spiritual enrichment, education for mission, social issues, awareness, leadership development, schools and workshops, and financial support for mission programs and projects throughout the U.S. and around the world.
Haller Lake’s general membership of the UWF meets alternate months at 11:00 a.m. on the third Wednesday (except June,July, August, December, and January) for their general meeting, lunch, fellowship, and a program. The Circle group meets at 1:00 p.m. on the the third Wednesday of the other months. We celebrate each other’s joys and accomplishments and also share our concerns and sorrows.
Our Unit makes and meets a pledge of $3,200 to missions annually. In addition, we make annual monetary contributions to:
- Atlantic Street Center
- Tacoma Community House
- Local Food Banks
- Mary’s Place
- Other organizations as the needs present themselves
- Physical needs of our church
Other UWF activities:
- Support for United We Stand homeless encampment when the Church hosts them
- Provide receptions for memorials, weddings, and anniversaries
- Some members participate in the UWF reading program and attend Mission U.
- Prayer Shawl and Quilt ministry.
- Keep Church membership appraised of human rights and women’s issues, encouraging action through letter writing and personal involvement.
- Correspond with and pray for missionaries listed in the UWF Prayer Calendar.
All women are welcome. Come join us!